Monday, December 30, 2019

Your Next Leader Could Be Sitting Across the Table in the Interview

Your Next Leader Could Be Sitting Across the Table in the InterviewYour Next Leader Could Be Sitting Across the Table in the InterviewYour Next Leader Could Be Sitting Across the Table in the Interview DeZubeThe right bewerbungsgesprch questions can help you identify a candidates leadership and management potential.During the bewerberinterview, youll want to go beyond a candidates surface qualities and discern traits such as personal confidence to spotlight traits that your organization values.The interview questions below are sourced from professionals in companies of all sizes to help reveal a candidates management and leadership skills.Pay attention to whether people talk about themselves (I did this) or their teammates (we did this) when answering general interview questions or direct leadership questions.Sample questionsWhat led to your last two promotions?Tell me about a subordinate you helped develop.Tell me about the leadership training you have received.What is the most diff icult decision you have had to make in your career?If the answers to these questions all point to a person who develops a team, we have a potential leader. If the candidates answers are focused on that person rather than on others, the person is not deemed to be a potential leader. John Malloy, president of Sanford Rose Associates Santee, a South Carolina automotive and manufacturing recruiter.Good managers find better ways to get the job done. Job candidates who dont have previous leadership positions can answer hypothetical questions about how theyd improve processes and products.Sample questionsIf you returned to your previous job as the babo, what would you do to create a better workplace?What things were done well there?If they tell us how bad the boss was and how bad the place was, that could indicate that they are negative. In each question, we are looking for winners and complainers. Will they bring to us the ability to make a difference, to be able to landsee areas for imp rovement? Bryan Clayton, CEO of GreenPal, a Nashville company that describes itself as Uber for Lawn Care.Consider how long you have to develop leadership. Match the time frame of your questions to the length of time people typically stay with your firm, and determine if the job seeker would be willing to put in the extra time to eventually take on a managerial role.Sample questionsWhere do you see yourself in two years?Tell me about a time you had to get yourself quickly up to speed in a new role in the past, either at work on outside work? What did you do and how did that work out?If theyve had a past leadership role How long did it take you to get to that position? What did you do to get there?In the past, I am sure many organizations would ask, Where do you see yourself in five or 10 years, but that leaves things open-ended. We wont pretend that five years or 10 years is a benchmark for employment we will start celebrating as early as two years. Sean P. Finelli, Co-owner of tra vel company The Roman GuyQuantify job seekers past management experience by asking for details.Sample questionsDid you train or mentor (formally or informally) subordinates or peers? How many people and in what ways? Did you develop the training yourself?Where and how did you save money for your employer or client(s)? How much money total or how did you accomplish unique jobs/tasks to save money for your employer or client(s)?What new processes did you install and what were the results? What was saved (time or money) or what did the processes increase (productivity)? How did you personally have a hand in accomplishing those savings or improving processes?If the resume has the answers to these questions, then you know the candidate has the potential for becoming a good leader and manager, or perhaps a team lead, then supervisor. Look for objective, provable and documentable information, like I supervised a team of two, and we worked together to do this project, and the results were ( metrics showcasing how many, how often, and the total of something), rather than subjective language, like I am good with people. Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D., CEO of HR consulting firm, D. Boyer Consulting, Virginia Beach, Virginia.For job candidates with prior leadership experience, including students whove led extracurricular activities, ask interview questions that qualify their leadership experiences.Sample questionsTell me about a past leadership role.What was your goal or objective?What did you accomplish?What was the feedback you received from peers on the outcome?When an individual gets into telling the story, youll be able to pick up on the nuances on how they lead. Do they say, I did this, or I sought out these skill sets in my peers? Find those individuals who really have the diversity of those experiences, that can articulate what was done, how they made decisions for the team, and areas where the teams diverse viewpoint was critical. Cheryl Pinter-Veal, head of Deloittes NextG en leadership development programRead more How to Interview for Management and Leadership

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

4 secrets to easily make your relationships awesome

4 secrets to easily make your relationships awesome4 secrets to easily make your relationships awesomeRelationships are important.Like, more-important-than-Vitamin-C important. Scurvy is no fun but a lack of relationships might kill you faster.From The Relationship CureA study of people living in Alameda County, California, for example, showed that people who had close friendships and marriages lived longer than those who didnt. This welches true independent of such factors as diet, smoking, and exercise. Aelendher study, of 2,800 men and women over age sixty-five, showed that those with more friends had a lower risk of health problems and recovered faster when they did develop them. In addition, a study of 10,000 seniors at Yale University showed that loners were twice as likely to die from all causes over a five-year period as those who enjoyed close friendships.But what makes them work? What makes them fail? Whats the essential building block of a relationship? Why do some spark a nd others fade? You might have a theory or two but I dont think we know what really keeps love, friendship, and family going.And that, frankly, is kinda terrifying. Luckily, there is someone who knowsDr. John Gottman, professor emeritus of psychology at University of Washington, is the guy when it comes to relationships. Hes that researcher featured in Malcolm Gladwells Blink who, after just a few minutes, could predict with uncanny accuracy whether a couple would end up divorced.His book is The Relationship Cure A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships.Gottman discovered the key element that makes relationships fly or die. Its something you can use to build stronger bonds with all the people you care about - and its going to surprise you.Lets get to itWhat makes or breaks relationships?At the Gottman Institute they bring couples in and watch them talk to one another. Researchers study the content of the conversations and then track how the relationshi ps fare over time.So what did the successful couples talk about? Did they discuss happy things? Did they resolve problems? Did they talk about things they had in common? Turns out successful couples discussThe same boring crap everyone does. There welches nothing special at all about the content of their conversations So what gives?But this is what led to a big discovery by Gottman. The content doesnt matter. What mattered was what they werent saying. What was beneath the words. And whether their partner was paying attention, being responsive, and being supportive.From The Relationship CureBut after many months of watching these tapes with my students, it dawned on me. Maybe its not the depth of intimacy in conversations that matters. Maybe it doesnt even matter whether couples agree or disagree. Maybe the important thing is how these people pay attention to each other, no matter what theyre talking about or doingWhat proved to be critical was something Gottman calls bids - and how the other person responded to those bids. In fact, Gottman says the bid is the fundamental unit of emotional communication. And this was true for all relationships, not just romantic.From The Relationship CureIf you could carefully observe and analyze those encounters- as my research colleagues and I have done- you would landsee how each one is made up of many smaller exchanges. Theres a bid and a response to that bid. Like cells of the body or bricks of a house, such exchanges are the primary components of emotional communication. Each exchange contains emotional infassonation that can strengthen or weaken connections between people.I know, I know, Im getting to it - so whats a bid?From The Relationship CureA bid can be a question, a gesture, a look, a touch- any single expression that says, I want to feel connected to you. A response to a bid is just that- a positive or negative answer to somebodys request for emotional connection.When you ask, How are you? do you really expect a rundown? Of course not. So how much of what we say is really about the information?Its a beautiful day doesnt convey valuable data. They can see what you can see. It probably means Im glad Im here with you. Are you glad to be here with me?That article your friend texted you might contain useful information. And their sending it might mean, I care about you enough to send you stuff that interests you. Do you care about me too?A co-worker might say, We should hang out sometime. Here in Los Angeles this means, Id rather crawl naked across four miles of broken glass than ever see you again but in civilized parts of the world it often means, I think youre cool and want to spend more time with you. Do you want to spend time with me?Its not about the content. Its about the unspoken emotions underneath. Those bids and how we respond to them are the cornerstone of relationships.(To learn more about the science of a successful life, check out my bestselling book here.)Sometimes we kinda kno w this but more often we forget. We get wrapped up in the literalness of it all. And it turns out the bid underneath the words is what really matters.So bids are crucial. But how do they work?Turn, turn, turnThey say, Its a beautiful day. From a bid perspective, there are three types of responsesYou can turn toward the bid Wow, it really is.You can turn against the bid What are you talking about? Looks just like yesterday.You can turn away from the bid You dont reply. Or you say, Were going to be late. Lets get going.No surprise turning toward bids is what builds stable, long-lasting relationships. If you want to nurture a deeper emotional connection with somebody, turn toward that person as often as you can.Turning toward means agreeing, supporting or at least acknowledging the bid. They all tell the other person, I hear you. I understand you. Im interested in whats going on with you. Im on your side. High energy responses, eye contact, and enthusiasm all get you extra credit.This isnt just important for romantic relationships - its the bedrock of all relationships.From The Relationship CureChildren who habitually turn toward their playmates form friendships more easily. Siblings who turn toward one another early on are more likely to stay close for life. Coworkers find it easier to collaborate on projects. Married couples and other pairs have fewer conflicts. Turning toward leads to fewer conflicts, because the partners in a relationship are having the conversations they need to have- the conversations where they demonstrate their interest and concern for each other.Turning against a bid is giving a belligerent or argumentative reply. And turning away is ignoring the bid or replying with something unrelated. Repeatedly turning against or turning away, over time, harms relationships. No bueno.When you find yourself in a heated argument over something ridiculous like not emptying the dishwasher, its not about the dishwasher. Often its because of the lack of r espect or attention conveyed when you rejected or ignored those prior 5 bids.From The Relationship CureMy research shows that habitually turning away can eventually destroy relationships. Even if the bidder doesnt act hurt or angry at the moment his or her bid is rejected, there seems to be some internal mechanism that keeps score. By watching relationships over time, my colleagues and I have seen that the dismissed bidder typically gets fed up. He or she starts complaining to and criticizing the person who turns away, leading to a pattern of attack and defend. And once this attack/defend pattern becomes ingrained in a relationship, it can start a downward spiral of interaction that eventually ends in the dissolution of that bond.As the saying goes, Its the little things. And its how you respond to the little things.(To learn the four most common relationship problems and how to fix them, click here.)So youre turning toward bids and not turning against or away from them. But thats n ot the tricky part. The trouble lies with identifying bids and knowing what the other person needs to hear to feel emotionally connected to you.So how do we get better at that?Decode bidsThey say, We should hang out sometime. Are they just being polite and you should vaguely agree - or do they want you to specify a date and youll seem dismissive if you dont?Bids can be subtle. And they vary based on the person and the context. Yes, this can be annoying. But nobody is going to say, I hereby formally reaffirm my desire to continue this friendship.Bids are subtle for a reason. Were all afraid to be vulnerable. We want to protect our feelings and our ego - but we all also require emotional validation. And much more frequently than we think. So bids are often deliberately vague with a healthy dose of plausible deniability.I know what some people are thinking Am I expected to be a mind reader? Do I need to enthusiastically overreact to everything to be stahlkammer? Does every relationsh ip hang in the balance because I didnt jump up and down?You dont need to be perfect. Everybody misses bids or responds incorrectly. Even people in good relationships screw up around 20% of the time.From The Relationship CureWe learned, for example, that husbands headed for divorce disregard their wives bids for connection 82 percent of the time, while husbands in stable relationships disregard their wives bids just 19 percent of the time.You dont need to be frighteningly enthusiastic all the time. The goal is to try and learn the common bids from the people who matter most to you and what they want to hear from you to feel supported. And you want to learn more about your own bids and what you can do to make sure others are getting the message about your needs.You probably already do this to a limited extent. You know that when youre out of town and your partner texts, How are things going? theyre not asking about your day. They need to hear, I miss you.So start paying more attention . And start writing things down. Build yourself a bid terminplan for each of the key people in your lifeWhat form do their bids commonly take? What responses made them happy? And which ones did not? What is it theyre looking to hear outside of a very literal response to their words?How do you usually bid? Do they usually turn toward, against or away in response? What can you change to get a more fulfilling response?When do you turn toward, turn away, or turn against bids? What do you think causes the response?When you really get good at this its like a superpower. Youre responding to their feelings instead of just their words, and thats what really improves relationships. It will also help you be more patient when times are tough and address the real, unspoken issues causing the trouble.From The Relationship CureThats how it is once you begin to recognize the many idiosyncratic ways that people can make and respond to bids for connection. If you can see past a persons anger, sadness , or fear to recognize the hidden need, you open up new possibilities for a relationship. Youre able to see your coworkers sullen silence as a bid for inclusion in decisions that affect his job, for example. Or you can recognize that your sisters agitation says shes feeling alienated from the family.You dont need to be a mind reader. But start making note of bids and responses and you can actually become one with the people who matter most.(To learn the seven-step morning ritual that will make you happy all day, click here.)Alright, youre tracking and decoding bids. Now how do you improve conversational style so others turn toward your bids and you can better turn toward theirs?Curiosity, depth, and feelingsIf you want to screw up perfectly good interactions with incredible consistency, make sure your initial bids are negative and critical. Hand grenades are tough to come by these days but dont you worry - starting a conversation with blame and accusation will do almost as much dam age.Gottman can predict with 96% accuracy how an interaction will go just by listening to the tone of the first three minutes.From The Relationship CureWhen bids for connection start on such a negative, blaming, or critical note, its fairly easy to predict what will happen next. In fact, my studies of married couples show that 96 percent of the time, you can predict the outcome of a fifteen-minute conversation based on what happens in the first three minutes of that interaction. And if the first three minutes include a lot of negativity, blame, and criticism, the outcome is not going to be very good.On the other hand, playfulness is golden. It not only improves conversations, it can even lighten arguments and help repair relationships.From The Relationship CureWe also discovered the importance of playfulness in peoples bids. For years I have wondered why some couples are able to make jokes and express affection for each other- even in the midst of an argument. Its an important quest ion because our research shows that such emotional repair tools lead to the development of happier, stronger relationships.Overall, remember three words when you want to have a conversation that deepens your connection with someone curiosity, depth and feelings.Curiosity Ask them open-ended questions. Or ask for advice. Then shut your giant mouth and listen like theyre about to tell you tomorrows lottery numbers.Depth When was the last time you asked someone about their dreams and aspirations? Ever ask someone about their childhood? Sure beats How was your day?Feelings Get away from the facts. Ask how something made them feel. Show a genuine interest in their internal world and their perspective. When was the last time you paid someone a thoughtful, specific and sincere compliment tailored to them?Thats how you deepen an emotional connection.(To learn how to make friends as an adult, click here.)Okay, weve learned a lot. Lets round it all up and find out how to create even bigger mo ments that take relationships to the next levelSum upThis is how to easily make your relationships awesomeIts all about bids If you think the conversation is about what the conversation is about, youre in trouble. The content isnt whats critical. Responding properly to their bids is key.Turn, Turn, Turn Turn toward. Agree, support or acknowledge bids.Decode Bids Build yourself a bid roadmap for the important people in your life. When Eric texts me to see how Im doing it means hes insecure about the new blog post and wants to hear it was good.Curiosity, Depth, and Feelings And what would your response be if someone very close to you paid you a thoughtful compliment, asked about your dreams in life, and then focused intently on your response? (I might need some tissues, frankly.Give Gottmans research a shot. With practice you can become a mind reading, emotional Sorcerer Supreme with the ones you love.Now you can take it to the next level and become what Gottman calls a collector of e motional moments.Someone youre close to makes a bid. You respond perfectly and hit the bullseye. They open up about their feelings and so do you. This is when you really deepen a connection with someone.From The Relationship CureThe key is to look for and celebrate those moments in which you connect with another person on a feeling level. Such moments usually begin by noticing an emotional expression as a bid for connection. You hear something a person says, or you see a facial expression or gesture, that reveals their happiness, sadness, anger, fear, contempt, or disgust. Once you notice it, you let this person know with your words, expressions, or gestures that you understand how theyre feeling. Your demonstration of understanding provides a bridge for emotional connection and paves the way to a deeper, more meaningful relationship.To feel truly understood on an emotional level is immensely powerful and its one of the greatest gifts you can give someone.The conversation is rarely about what the conversation is about. We want to be emotionally understood by others. We want to connect with others. Thats why we text. Thats why we call. Thats why we talk.And thats why some of us write blog postsThis article first appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Right out of the gate, women make less money than men

Right out of the gate, women make less money than menRight out of the gate, women make less money than menDo men choose higher-paid jobs, or do some jobs pay more because theyre dominated by men?A new Glassdoor study called The Pipeline Problem How College Majors Contribute to the Gender Pay Gapshowed that your gender and the academic major you choose can have an impact on how much you earn down the line.No surprise men are paid more, and their pay advantage starts the minute men graduate from college.Glassdoorsaid that for our sample overall, men in all majors took home on average a median base payof $56,957 per year, while women earned $50,426 per year, which translates to an overall gender pay gemeinsame agrarpolitik of $6,531 per year or 11.5 percent of male pay.And the trend is far from a blip theresearch was based on a dataset of more than 46,900 resumes shared on Glassdoor from people who graduated between 2010 and 2017.Men make more money than women right from the startYou wo uld expect new grads to find a level playing field when it comes to pay, but they generally dont. Glassdoors analysis shows an 11.5% average pay gap among new grads in the early years of their career,Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, Glassdoor chief economist, told Yahoo Finance.Chamberlain did not credit the difference to gender discrimination, but instead to different career choices.When we isolate by major, pay gaps remain because men and women are sorting into different jobs after graduating a clear sign of societal pressures and gender norms at play in the career paths of young workers, Chamberlain said.Other studies indicate, however, that even women in the same jobs as men get underpaid. A landmark study of Harvard Business School alumni found that the highly-educated female graduates of the school showed less career progress and made less money than their peers despite similar job choices and qualifications.Men flock to engineering majors, while women prefer social sciencesThe study found thatpeople who major in subjects that lead to high-paying roles in tech and engineering are mostly male,but people who study subjects that lead to lower-paying roles in social sciences and liberal arts tend to be mostly female, placing men in higher-paying career pathways, on average.But even when women choose the majors that lead to higher-paying jobs, they may veer off when its time to actually pick a career, and as a result, lower pay dogs them throughout their lives according to Glassdoor.The most male-dominated majors and their percentage of men were mechanical engineering at 89% male, civil engineering at 83% male, physics at 81% male, computer science at 74% male, and electrical engineering at 74% male.The same report also listed the most female-dominated majors, from the set of thousands of resumes, showing that social work is 85% female, healthcare administration is 84% female, anthropology is 80% female, nursing is 80% female, and human resources is 80% female.The ge nder pay gap may increase over timeEven within the same major, men and women often end up on different career tracks, resulting in a pay gap that could follow them for a lifetime. In our sample, across the 50 most common majors, men and women face an 11.5% pay gap on average in the first five years of their careers, the Glassdoor research said.That may grow even over time. According to Glassdoors 2016 study, Demystifying the Gender Pay Gap Evidence from Glassdoor Salary Data,based on more than 505,000 salaries shared by full-time U.S. employees on Glassdoor, men earn 24.1% higher base pay than women on average. In other words, women earn about 76 cents per dollar men earn.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Career Change 101 Resistance is Futile

Career Change 101 Resistance is FutileCareer Change 101 Resistance is FutileHow do you navigate the permanent whitewater of career change? Be prepared for inevitable turbulence.People who tend to survive catastrophes (such as fire, flood, bombings and kidnappings) accept whats happening quicker than others and therefore take action faster, according to author Amanda Ripley in The Unthinkable. The same is true for job-search success in less obviously dangerous situations. The race goes to the most fleet of foot, those who can calmly say, OK, thats over whats next?Change is inevitable. Organizational consultant Peter Vail calls the worlds increasing interdependence and complexity permanent whitewater.He identifies this term with a time of ongoing uncertainty and turbulence. Experienced rafters know theyre going to get dumped out at some point. The difference between them and the rest of us is that theyre prepared to get bounced out and recover swiftly. They expect the whitewater. And s o should you. Youll save precious energy for coping and learning so you can keep your head above water.When we resist change, we put ourselves through the emotional wringer.We go through obstacles such as blaming each other, denying ourselves progression and creating inertia in our lives. Here are a few examples and tips on how to avoid behauptung obstacles yourselfBlameRecently, I welches listening in to a leadership-team conference call for a small business with whom I consult. Sally, the marketing director, said that due to an error, they would leid be able to run the ad they wanted. A good adapter, Sally presented two alternatives - an old ad or the new ad with a tweak if it could be done that day to meet the deadline.Rather than accept the change and figure out the best alternative, the leader kept rehashing the events that led up to the need for this change - making accusations and complaining about not getting what he wanted. His business is in deep financial trouble, yet r ather than stay focused on the big picture, he took up almost an hour complaining about a tiny problem. He was stuck doing what people do when they resist change searching for blame. This wasted time and energy of his whole team. Not to mention the cost in dollarsDenialWe want to keep doing what weve always done, regardless of whether it is working or not or whether there are better, faster solutions.I was reminded of this when a publicist friend begged me to talk to her business partners. I cant get them to learn this new on line calendaring tool that has become crucial in our business. They keep doing it the way theyve always done, but we cant afford that anymore. Theyve got to move with the timesI understand her partners reluctance. I dont want to blog, learn how to do podcasts, network more, do on line marketing, or get a camera for my computer so I can do Skype video conferencing. Yet these are all crucial marketing activities for a professional writer these days. Ive written f or 30 years without doing any of these things, and I dont want to start now. My brain is perfectly happy doing what its always done. After all, it does it so wellWhoops, danger ahead. None of us, whatever our age, whatever our work, can afford that attitude anymore. The name of the game is relevancy, and the life cycle of relevancy is getting shorter. It used to be that the basics of your education held you in good stead for decades. We can moan and complain about that fact, but if we want to maximize success, we need to accept that reality and get learning.InertiaTo be successful, we must get out of our inert safe zone and into the stretch zone. Thats because learning means stretching yourself beyond your current limits and exerting more effort. After all, it takes more work for the brain to do something new.Rather than seeing safety as a wonderful thing, we need to view it as a warning sign that were coasting on past learning and dangerously resisting the inevitable.I first learne d the need for this nimbleness as a young employee at a weekly newspaper working for my mentor Will Glennon. We were understaffed and underfunded there was always something or someone not working. He was the model of grace as he jumped from fire to fire, providing work arounds and changing on a dime. I watched and adopted his style. Later, he and I founded Conari Press with no capital whatsoever, and we used this capacity to adapt swiftly to build a $6 million company.Resistance is futile, as the aliens in Grade-B movies like to say. Change is here to stay, and we cant afford the cost of foot-dragging. In 2006, creativity expert Sir Kenneth Robinson, speaking at the TED conference (Technology, Entertainment, Design) stated, We have no idea of whats going to happen in the future. No one has a clue about what the world will be like in even five years. Be prepared to be unprepared.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Why Social Media Is Important in Any Job Search

Why Social Media Is Important in Any Job SearchWhy Social Media Is Important in Any Job SearchSocial media is often thought of as a platform for personal use and not a tool to utilize on a professional level. However, there are several reasons why social media is important in any job search and for career progression. For anyone pondering the importance of social media in a job search, consider the following reasons why social media is important in ANY job search- including yours.Social Recruiting and Screening Is the New NormSocial media is being used on a daily basis to identify, recruit, and verify potential candidates. Its estimated that over 90 percent of recruiters use social media to screen applicants, mainly through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. In fact, a majority of hiring managers begin looking at social media channels as soon as they receive an application. With such a presence in the virtual world, thats why social media is important- it can make or break a job search .How to Use Social Media in a Job SearchSocial media can be a powerful tool in a job search if you use it correctly. Job seekers need to keep their profiles up to date and make sure they are interacting with others in their network. For an active job seeker, interacting on social media on a daily basis is best. As a passive job seeker, once a week is sufficient.Job seekers who have never used social media before should start out small, ideally by creating a LinkedIn account. While it isnt necessary to use all media channels, maintaining activity on LinkedIn is a great start. Make sure the profile is filled out thoroughly and completely, including a profile picture. Without this information your profile may be passed over as being a scam account.Social Media Mistakes to AvoidAlthough social media is a great way to connect with others and share life events, during a job search it is crucial to keep a clean profile and remain professional. Consider these tipsDont post inappropriate or overly personal photos or commentsDont bash prior employers or share sensitive informationDont lie about your qualificationsDo show that you have solid communication skillsDo show that you are well rounded professionally and personallyDo update your profile and qualifications to match jobs you are applying forClearly, those hiring for open jobs are using social media. For jobs seekers, this means you need to be active on social networks, especially if you want to be found for unadvertised and referral program opportunities. Avoid being blas about how you interact on social media in order to not ruin your chances of getting the job.Readers, do you use social media in your job search? Why is social media important to YOUR job search? Share your ideas and questions with us in the section below

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Unusual Mystery Into How to Write a Cover Letter for Resume

The Unusual Mystery Into How to Write a Cover Letter for Resume What You Need to Know About How to Write a Cover Letter for Resume Should you need inspiration, here are a few examples of excellent opening lines to utilize in your deckblatt letter. It is essential that you maintain your titel letters confined to a single page. There are at least hundreds of free resume cover letter examples on the web. Dont forget to incorporate the date on every cover letter, along with your telephone number, which ought to be underneath your address at the very top of the letter. Generally, a covering letter is nothing but that, a letter to cover the information that may be discovered on the Resume itself. You just have to prepare a productive cover letter if youd like to secure a good job. Target A cover letter ought to be tailored to a certain firm. At this time, your task is simply to start. Applying for over 1 job Sometimes, you might believe that youre qualified to do two unique job s (that are posted in precisely the same ad). Dedicate an opportunity in order to center on it and you always have the option to anticipate an interview and eventually a teaching job. 1 thing to understand about how to compose a resume is not to list every skill youve got, especially if theyre not linked to the job for which youre applying. To conclude, the best way to realize top notch results, is to keep it simple, maintain a single style and stay with it. If youve held a similar position before, now is an excellent time to say so. In short, writing a winning objective plays a huge part for success. The procedure on how best to compose a winning resume by way of utilizing an objective is easy because the candidate will just need to modify their very own objective statement in the way it will match with the requirements needed by the work opening which is being applied to. A cover letter is the very first thing the hiring personnel are likely to see. While concluding the let ter, also demonstrate that youre keen on the job and will get in contact further with the recipient to talk about the position. In the introductory paragraph, you should enumerate all skills that are significant to the job that youre applying for. The very first is simple, you would like to highlight your qualifications for the position that youre applying for, and answer any obvious questions regarding your resume your prospective employer could have. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About How to Write a Cover Letter for Resume Is Wrong With your resume letter youve got to assure the prospective employers that youre not going anywhere. Its quite easy to repair spelling mistakes nowadays. Cover letters ought to be no longer than 1 page in length, longer only in some specific conditions. Your letter is an opportunity to demonstrate the reader that you are able to communicate effectively, clearly, and in a manner which they want to hear. The How to Write a Cover Letter for Resume Chronicles Put numbers to everything that you do. If youve already gone through a few contracts, you will be aware of what you should do. Typically, theres a code provided, along with a typical job title. Imagine your advantage as soon as your letter is optimized to create the telephone ring every moment. If you do think theres a shared interest, I would greet the opportunity to meet up with you to hear more regarding your company, the necessities of the position, and the way my skills would be a fantastic fit. The aim of your company card resume is to take part in an interaction with the man or woman to receive them to remember you. If youre asking for a job as an advertising manager, your interest in building model cars isnt likely to be too impressive. Then use a story to highlight how you are going to boost their core enterprise. At this time, take a couple of minutes and consider what you need to share with the employer. A resume doesnt need to be ordered chr onologically, doesnt need to cover your entire career like and is a very customizable document. Its always advisable to prevent italic type. Most hiring managers dont have the opportunity to sift through all the info in one single resume. Utilize your cover letter to impress the prospective employer that youve got the experience and abilities essential for the vacancy. Also tell about your accomplishments, skills related to the job that you are trying to get. If your resume lacks the proper search phrases, employers wont ever know you exist.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

7 Fun Courses To Get Your Mojo Back

7 Fun Courses To Get Your Mojo Back 7 Fun Courses To Get Your Mojo BackPosted August 13, 2012, by Vivien LuuAre you feeling bogged down in your nine-to-five routine? Feeling a bit like a corporate cog that never stops spinning, day in and day out? Its something we can all relate to, regardless of how much we love our jobs. The best remedy to get your mojo back? Challenge and stimulate yourself by learning something new. Were halfway through the year now and lets face it most of us have comfortably switched into cruise control mode. We get up, head to the office, work, work, work, and then head home only to do it all over again the next day. Our brains are set on auto-drive, a comfortable speed that pays the bills but tends to kill our passions and inner creativity. So how do we snap out of it? Try taking a short course just for the fun of it Itll give you a chance to let off some steam and discover passions and talents you never knew you had. The possibilities are endless, but here are seven kinds of courses that might tickle your fancyPhotographyIf youre an Instagram addict who cant seem to satisfy your snap-happy ways, a photography course might just be the thing for you. Learn your way around a camera and discover how to edit photos like a pro with a Creative Digital Photography Short Courseor Diploma of PhotoImaging. For those of you who also have the travelling and writing bug, turn your passion into a part-time job with a Freelance Travel Writing Photography Course.DesignDo you watch The Block and think, What are they doing? I could do better than that Well maybe an Interior Design courseis just the thing to get your creative juices going. If colour swatches arent your thing but comics and cartoons are, an illustration course could be right up your avenue. Take your doodling to the next level with courses like Freelance Cartooning and Illustratingor Illustration and Drawing Made Easy. Alternatively, if youre a fashionista whos always wanted t o try your kralle at designing and making your own clothes, you could become the next Collette Dinnigan or Marc Jacobs by starting out with a Certificate IV in Applied Fashion Design Technology.WritingIf you fancy yourself a wordsmith and writing that bestseller or cult classic has always been your dream, then consider a short course in writing. Take a Professional Childrens Writing Courseif you want to learn how to be the next Roald Dahl or J K Rowling. Or simply take a Creative Writing Courseto discover the storyteller within. Write the next Twilight or Fifty Shades, and youll never have to work again.MusicFeel like taking your garage band days to the next level? Whether grunge rock or cool R n B is your thing, a Diploma of Popular Music and Performancewill help you take your first steps into the music industry. With theory and practical classes, you will learn the art of stagecraft and how to compose songs.Beauty and natural therapyIf the word makeover gets you excited and you re the type of person that looks at someones face or hair and sees a leer canvas, then a beauty therapy course could be perfect for you. Take out your make-up kit and consider a Diploma of Beauty Therapyor a Certificate II in Nail Technology. Or for those of you who are great with your hands and love giving massages, try a Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practiceor Certificate IV in Aromatherapy. You should have plenty of volunteers to test your new skills onFitnessIf you love spending time at the gym and are the go-to person for exercise advice and protein powders, then why not become a qualified gym junkie? A Certificate III in Fitnessis the starting point, and if you cant get enough then you can flex your muscles even more by undertaking a Certificate IV in Fitnessor Diploma of Fitness. Moonlighting as a part-time fitness instructor can be a great way to keep the office blues and flab at bay.Animal careDoes your poodle hide in shame every time you cut its hair? Or does it look like a big fluffy bush that other dogs treat as such with an upraised leg? If you enjoy taking care of animals and have always wanted to know how to professionally groom your four-legged friend, youll love a short course in animal care. An Animal Care Coursewill teach you first aid and the basics for day-to-day care of animals ranging from dogs to horses. Or you might want to consider a Pet Groomer Coursethat will give you all the skills and hintergrund knowledge to set up a professional pet grooming business. Want to see even more options? Check out our full range of courses. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesfun work experience ideascareer advisor onlineunsw early entrystudy in australia for international studentsyear 10 work experience ideas CoursesBachelo r of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire Online Vivien LuuViv is a writer who enjoys researching and writing about creativity, how the human mind works, and neuro processes. She values creativity above all else and admires people who pursue their career dreams, no matter the sacrifice. In her spare time, she binges on HBO shows and epic fantasy novels.Related ArticlesBrowse moreCAREER ADVICEJob hunting tips10 top career lessons courtesy of YouTubeYouTube is great for screaming goats, but can there be some career gems among the Jimmy Fallon skits and X Factor clips? Here are the top 10 career lessons from YouTube for your viewing pleasure.ProductivityStudy tips5 Tips to Help You Out of Your Study RutNeed to work on your study skills? Want help out of your study rut? Check out our article loa ded with actionable ideas and tips for enjoying and mastering your studies.AccountingAccounting more than a numbers gameGood with numbers? Get into accounting it offers great salaries, job prospects and the key to spicing up your love life

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Concert Promoters, Bookers, and Agents

Concert Promoters, Bookers, and AgentsConcert Promoters, Bookers, and AgentsBooking and promoting concerts involves a lot of moving parts, so its pretty easy for confusion to enter the picture. If youre new to playing live, just starting to cut your teeth on the live music circuit, then that confusion can go through the roof for a lot of reasons. In fact, this can be a tough time for a lot of musicians, not only because the whole process is new and more than a little intimidating, but also because musicians at this stage are the perfect targets for getting hustled. When you get to the stage where youre booking your own shows, you can make better decisions if you understand the role of everyone involved. Now, there can be some overlap in unterstellung positions, but here is the general idea to keep in mind Promoters On the indie circuit, the most typical way for a promoter to work with a musician is to decide they want to work with the musician on a show, make a deal with the mus ician (or the musicians reps) and then go out and do the work of putting on the show. That means booking the venue, contacting the local press, absatzwirtschaft (running ads, printing posters, etc, as appropriate), making sure everything is in place for the night of the show (flugtickets, sound/tech requirements, booking the opening bands, buying the rider and so on) and then generally making sure the show runs smoothly. When a promoter makes a deal with a musician, the deal usually (really, should) take into account the expenses associated with the show so that when the musician sees the deal, they know how much they stand to make. For instance, a promoter might offer a flat rate for a show or they may offer a door split deal in which they pay the musician a percentage of the ticket sales money after the costs associated with the show are met. The real defining thing about the deal structure is that the promoter does assume some of the risks and makes a decision about that risk be fore they decide to run the show. Bookers Sometimes, venues have someone in dienstgrad of booking the shows for the club - but it is really very important to not confuse these people with promoters. Sometimes, venues have in-house promoters that book the shows and fulfill the traditional role of the promoter, but venues often have someone who just books. They may include your name in their standing run of advertising and monthly calendar things, but the onus for promoting the show - and meeting the venues financial requirements - falls on you. They may have a bare minimum that you have to meet or they may require a certain number of ticket pre-sales or they may have some other financial guideline you have to satisfy. As a musician, it is REALLY important for you to understand these rules. Of course, venues cant have losing nights all the time, but weigh up what theyre offering you versus what theyre demanding from you. Are they throwing you on a bill with four other bands who s ound nothing like you (or each other) and requiring a huge number of ticket pre-sales - which really translate into you paying hundreds to play there? In other words, are they setting you up for some crap gig that no one wants to come to and get you to pay them for the privilege? If you are acting as a promoter for your own show, it makes sense that you would have to assure the venue that they arent going to lose money on the night, but dont be too intimidated to speak up to find out what youre getting when you book a show at that club and definitely dont be too afraid to look for another venue who wants to make sure you BOTH have a winning night. Agents An agent books shows for you. In other words, the agent calls the promoter, works out the deal and brings the offer back to you with all the details ironed out (in accordance with what youve agreed in advance, such as must have a stage large enough for 7 cellos or will only play Albuquerque on Tuesdays.) As you can see, your re al danger zone as an up and coming musician lies in the difference between working with a promoter and simply booking a show with someone in charge of a venue calendar. Make sure you understand the set-up any time you book. And note, someone who pencils you in on a certain date, contributes nothing in the run-up to the show and then sits at a door collecting money and asking people what band they came to see is NOT a promoter - pure and simple. Dont pay for services undelivered.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Develop a Successful On-Boarding Program

How to Develop a Successful On-Boarding ProgramHow to Develop a Successful On-Boarding ProgramSo you advertised, interviewed and finally found just the right candidate to fill your companys vacancy. Perhaps the individual has the exact qualifications, experience, and individual personality skills that make them a perfect fit for your corporate culture or job role. In short, youve hit the hiring jackpot. While all of that is well and good, if you dont have a well-developed and comprehensive onboarding program, even the best hire can go south in a hurry leading to employee turnover and increased business costs. Enter the importance of a well-developed onboarding program. The ability to integrate a talented candidate into your existing firm or corporate culture is an essential element of any successful hiring program. The ability to train a new hire in both their day-to-day job functions and their place in the current company hierarchy is essential to long-term growth, development, and integration. Sure, you may have chosenthe best, most qualified candidate for the role, but if you dont have established structures and professional guidance in place, your investment could quickly turn into a hiring disaster. Never fear, however. Weve got the facts, figures, and guidance you need to make that new addition a hiring success. Set Clear ExpectationsWhether prior to hiring or on the very first day of integrating that exceptional new candidate, the key to a successful onboarding program is setting clear career and role expectations. Most of this starts with a well-defined job description. Putting some thought into the day to day tasks of your new hire prior to interviews can help set the stage for ensuring youre hiring the right candidate as well as help establish clear expectations once you have the new team member in the door. Come up with a clear and concise set of daily functions that will help your candidate have a clear idea of what to expect in their new role come day one. leid only will you attract applicants with a better overall match but youll also have more success in integrating them into your companys existing infrastructure.Make a Training ScheduleFrom the basics of firm apps and technology infrastructure to the more advanced applications theyll need to perform their daily job functions, training in essential technologies is an important part of onboarding a new candidate. Most modern applicants will have a basic knowledge of email and research programs, but the more specialized, and often more important, advanced database and proprietary database software will be the bread and butter in which your candidates operate. Teaching the new hire how to utilize this software is important to both anfangsbuchstabe rollouts as well as long-term contributions for suggesting better or more efficient methods of operations.Define the Job HierarchyIf you take a poll of recent hires across job descriptions, markets and fields, perhaps the biggest fru stration they would express would be surrounding regarding corporate hierarchy. Its important to help candidates clearly identify who they report to and who they can go to in case of complaints, frustrations or guidance. These types of questions are essential both as a resource for new hires in addition to painting a picture of the potential career track they may be signing up for.Schedule Time for Check-InsGetting your new candidate in the door is a small part of any hiring equation. Even with the best onboarding programs in place, individual candidates will still have different initial and ongoing career needs that should be addressed by sophisticated hiring managers. Once youve fully integrated your new hire, be sure to check in with them on an ongoing basis. This will help you identify any major needs and concerns and will let savvy manager head off long-term issues before they begin to impact your department or division across the board. Ask for FeedbackAs a hiring manager, sup ervisor, head or other leader in your field your company has probably placed a great deal of faith in your skills and abilities to perform your essential job functions. Thats all well and good but, at the risk of sounding a bit jaded, our mom thinks were awesome too. A successful and dynamic supervisor knows that a key aspect of integrating a new hire is the knowledge, expertise and specific experiences they bring to the job table. Utilize this specialized knowledge by asking for feedback on your specific performance after the candidate has been with the company or firm for a short period of time. Set up structures that continue to ask for this type of guidance as a way to both build confidence in your team and to continue along in your own personal and professional career growth.Have another concrete suggestion when it comes to onboarding quality candidates? Shoot us a katechese or leave a comment below. Maybe your tip or trick will make our next update, helping a future candidate or hiring manager make a smooth transition into the job of their dreams.

Low-Cost Employee Retention Strategies

Low-Cost Employee Retention Strategies Low-Cost Employee Retention Strategies What do you think it’d cost to replace a worker if he or she walked out the door today? Some estimates run as high as 150 percent of the annual salary, but there are many hidden costs, too. Keeping your employees happy begins with implementing an effective employee retention strategy. Our workplace research shows that higher levels of employee engagement lead to greater productivity. And workers who feel valued are motivated to make real, tangible contributions to the company. Yes, providing competitive compensation is one way to keep your employees happy. But it’s not the only strategy. Here are nine low-cost ways to keep employee retention high. 1. Maintain an open-door policy Happy workplaces are environments where employees feel comfortable voicing their ideas and concerns. Set the right tone by letting your employees know that you welcome their thoughts for improving business operations and workplace culture. Also, provide and ask for regular feedback. Don’t limit yourself to one format: You could offer an idea board, suggestion box or monthly brown bag QA with company leadership. 2. Promote from within Your employees will feel discouraged if they sense they’ll be sitting in their current cubicle forever. If you want employees to invest in the business, then invest in them, too. Many managers fail to consider that the talent they seek could very well be right under their nose. Wise leaders consider “internal employees” - professionals who are among your current workforce - first when a position is created or vacated. 3. Encourage passion about your brand You don’t have to give employee retention a second thought if your employees are passionate and knowledgeable about the product. Encourage them to learn as much as possible about the brand and company values so they can share their enthusiasm with customers. Offer complimentary services or samples to employees so they understand the value of your product and can make informed decisions and recommendations. 4. Emphasize health and wellness The link between wellness programs and higher employee retention rates is well established. Managers have come to accept that promoting the physical and mental well-being of their employees is beneficial to their bottom line. Some firms offer fun workspaces with foosball tables, others yoga classes, complimentary chair massage or vending machines with healthier snack choices. Whether it’s a mandatory 20-minute break in the day from computers and smartphones or even extra vacation days as a reward for performance, these types of healthful workplace options go a long way toward preventing employee burnout. 5. Recognize outstanding work Want to boost employee morale? Place an article in the company newsletter or a note on a bulletin board in the office in recognition of a special achievement. Praise employees for their good work in front of their peers. You don’t have to spend a dime to reward hardworking employees for their actions and achievements. Your gesture lets employees know their unique contributions and positive attitudes make a difference for your company and the team. 6. Create a pep squad It’s understandable that amid day-to-day deadlines, making sure employees are engaged rarely finds its way onto your to-do list. Here’s a solution: Delegate! Appoint a team of employees to head up fun activities. Watch the ideas grow when you get a group of creative employees together, thinking about how to take the stress out of work and be more supportive of each other. 7. Offer professional development opportunities Training programs are an employee retention strategy that pays off big time. Your employees benefit by expanding their skills. You benefit by getting a more productive and versatile workforce. Everyone wins when you grow together. 8. Have a mission Do you have any millennials on staff? Workers of this generation want to be part of a cause that matters. Even if your company’s focus isn’t building homes for disadvantaged families, you can weave charity into your business plan. Regardless of age, you and your employees will benefit from having a philanthropic focus by improving your company’s reputation in the community. You might even meet a new potential client. 9. Recognize that perks don’t equal culture Employees enjoy perks: free lunches, free health insurance and flexible hours. But don’t sell yourself short by equating perks with workplace culture, which is the personality of your business. What you say about work-life balance and professional development tells current employees and job seekers about how the organization values its employees. Assure both groups that your organization appreciates - and rewards - employee dedication and hard work. Companies with cultures that truly value their employees are most successful at retaining them. Don’t be the manager who is caught off guard when a top performer gives his or her two weeks’ notice. Instead, create an environment where employees feel valued, included in company development and have a solid grasp of their performance and career development. Subscribe to the Robert Half newsletter for articles and resources to help you build and manage a winning team - all sent directly to your inbox.